Goals To investigate the effect of COX-2 polymorphism and its product

Goals To investigate the effect of COX-2 polymorphism and its product prostaglandin-E2 (PGE2) on stroke risk in an endemic area for Chagas disease. the rs20417 COX-2 polymorphism. Serologic tests (ELISA) were performed to confirm infection and to quantify PGE2 levels. In the Boston cohort white matter hyperintensity volume (WMHv) was quantified on the admission brain MRIs of subjects with ischemic stroke who also donated DNA for the COX-2 gene region analysis. L189 Findings We studied 44 patients with stroke and 96 controls (46 with heart failure and 50 caregivers) in the Brazilian cohort; and 788 stroke patients (302 cardioembolic 486 non-cardioembolic) in the Boston cohort. In the Brazilian cohort rs20417 polymorphism was associated with both stroke (p=5×10?6) and decreased PGE2 levels (p=4×10?5); similarly Chagas was associated with stroke (p=4×10?3) and decreased PGE2 levels (p=7×10?3). In the Boston cohort rs20417 polymorphism was associated with increased WMHv among non-cardioembolic (p=0.037) but not among cardioembolic stroke patients. Conclusions Variation in COX-2 gene is associated with both symptomatic and silent brain cerebrovascular disease. This candidate gene region should be tested in population-based samples. INTRODUCTION The human gene for cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is located on chromosome 1q25.2-q25.3 and converts fatty acids into prostaglandins. The enzyme has three isoforms: COX-1 which is certainly expressed generally in most tissue under basal circumstances; COX-2 whose appearance is certainly induced in response to inflammatory stimuli; and COX-3 which can be an L189 isoenzyme produced from COX-1(1). The expression of COX-2 is enhanced in chronic inflammatory diseases including chronic and atherosclerosis infections. The rs20417 G>C COX-2 polymorphism continues to be associated with reduced gene appearance and security against cardiovascular system disease(2 3 Nevertheless no constant association continues to be discovered with stroke although a COX-2 inhibitor medication was withdrawn from the marketplace because of elevated stroke risk(4). Chagas disease is certainly due to Trypanosoma cruzi a flagellate parasite obtained through connection with an insect vector which is a significant reason behind cardiac disease and heart stroke in L189 SOUTH USA(5). Up to 8% from the South American inhabitants is certainly seropositive for Chagas but just 10% to 30% from the contaminated individuals will present the symptomatic form of the disease(6). Over 300 0 individuals with the infection are estimated to live in the United States(7). Stroke is usually associated with Chagas independently of cardiomyopathy(8 9 and L189 since Chagas serologic assessments are not a routine a part of stroke investigation its prevalence is likely underestimated. The main product of the COX pathway prostaglandin-E2 (PGE2) is found in high levels in acute Chagas(10) and treatment with COX-2 inhibitors and subsequent inhibition of PGE2 synthesis can reduce cardiac damage during the acute phase of experimental Chagas disease(11). However the exact role of COX-2 in chronic Chagas is usually unknown. A total burden of white matter disease is usually detected on T2 MRI as white matter hyperintensity (WMH) which is considered a marker of chronic small vessel cerebrovascular disease(12). Although grouped under the term of “silent” brain pathology WMH has been associated with cognitive decline and increased stroke risk(13). Several polymorphisms have been associated with Mouse monoclonal to FCER2 the phenotype of WMH which may identify important pathways in the pathophysiology of cerebrovascular diseases(14). AIMS We sought to determine the effect of the rs20417 COX-2 gene polymorphism on cerebrovascular disease in two individual cohorts. In a Brazilian cohort where Chagas is usually endemic we investigated the effect of rs20417 polymorphism on stroke risk; in a Boston cohort we investigated the effect of rs20417 and other COX-2 polymorphisms on WMH severity. Secondary aims in the Brazilian cohort were to determine whether there is a significant conversation between Chagas as well as the rs20417 polymorphism; and if the rs20417 polymorphism and Chagas influence PGE2 serum amounts. Strategies Brazilian cohort Individual ascertainment Today’s study included two cohorts (Brazil and Boston). In the Brazilian cohort sufferers consecutively were recruited.